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ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Awesome render Thanks!
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Hello! Can somebody render 2 XFG's on the same render, with the following skins?

Thanks in advice
P.S.: An 1024x render will be enought for me, but no problem, if you can make bigger one
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :
P.P.S: Change your numberplate

+1. Very Nice edit, I enjoyed it . Keep goin' ..
P.S.: How we hungarians say: Szep munka
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Yesokay mr. Töki :P
Asr series xfg-xrg cup race 1
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Hello. Here is my very first lfs movie. Not a big deal, but i have to start from somewhere

Vid makers, plz comment it

Best regards !
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :And he also failed with the F1 car. I don't think that looks like a FO8 or BF1.

It's not from LFS IMO . Or it's just very modified (more than Joe's SC ), but I don't think so
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Hello. Here is my WIP Rally XRG . It's just the begining of the modifications.

P.S.: XRG Dirt skin needed . If you own one, share it with me. Thanks

ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Nice drift XRT Töki, with cool home-made rims. Szép munka
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed

Hi! Well this is my very first try to modify something on an existing modell there is a lot of works to do, for example to find some beautifull chrome for the rims, to change the spoilers material, aaaand etc At the start i modified the front and rear bumpers, side skirts, then wheels. The rim is'n made by me I made only the tyre, and attached the brake. So it's the begining of my modifications.

* Thanks Töki for rendering. He's Computer is faster.....YET
Last edited by ASR Sanchez, .
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Hi. The server is permanently offline?. When it will work again? Need practice
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Good Work . It was interresting to whatch it.
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Quote from feat :Get a life, leonardo. Or start doing something by yourself, man.

Noh, he just tryied to follow this tutorial: ... -car-rim-in-3d-studio-max

(With poor luck )

But BTW leonardo, you should try to create something, and NOT to copy
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Guys! Are you drivingd in real life too? PLZ Say NO!
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Nice one Andrei Waiting your next vid. "FELICITARI DIN ARAD "
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Sure. I used this tutorial. It's simple and well-detailed.

I used it too, it's a very good one, and if you change the nr. of segments, the radius of the cylinder, you can make a lot kind of wheels, just whatch when you select the Polys before Bridge
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Hello. After a few hours of pain, I made my first wheel, based on a tutorial.. Well it's far away from good, I need a tyre texture, and etc. but I have to start from somewhere. Hope the next one will be more cool
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Quote from buck77 :What does After Effects do?

Same question here..I saw some videos before, which was made using after effects, but realy don't know, what it is, or what it's doing .. Maybe GOOGLE will be my friend?
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Very nice Video! Grats . I downloaded and it works for me. Just a question: What program was used to make this vid?
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Actually when I saw this drift, I was amazed, but when the cheat was detected, then I started to think about, that why ppls like him are making vids about some drift tricks, which are impossible to execute by him? If you can't drift as good, as you "made" in the vid, then you may have to try something else... And if you will make a new movie, well I don't think so that it will NOT include some magic , So basicly, without cheat, it will be boring IMO...but let's see, what you can do without layout edit....

Squid: I was on to choose option 1 but now i'm on to make some barrel rolls
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Hi. I started to make my 1st rim. I followed a tutorial, and I made this:

I know it's far away from good, but if somebody could help me with a chrome metal material, it will be very usefull for me ...
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Thanks mogster! I checked it, and it will be helpfull..Actually i found some other tutorials too...When i'm done with my first rim, i'll post it ..
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Hello! I'm new on rendering and 3d modelling. All i know atm is to change rims, spoilers and other stuffs. I'm using already made scenes. Now I'm searching for some tutorials, and I'll start to make something. I think that the wheel/rim modelling will be close to me .. So, when I'll be done with something, I'll post it. Ermm BTW nice wheels mogster.

PS: If you know some good tutorial, don't hasitate, just link it please (I'm using 3d studiom max 8 with Brazil)

ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
I agree with niels1. The main picture is great, but you have to change the lightning side inside the CMX viewer, then replace the Rocco, and it will be good.
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
I want to clearify my point of view, because i agree with Scawen on the post what is quoted by Amynue. I don't want to see the LFS becoming a money factory. I'm just ---> a little bit about the speed of the upgrades. That's why I posted my opinion from the increasing of the dev's team.

How a big Mercedes Fun is saying:

Keep on Racing!
ASR Sanchez
S2 licensed
Alexilon, another good opinion . We'll see...I hope that we'll see soon. BTW we can get a lot of new fun with the rocco, and i think, that when it will appear, the most of the championship organizers will include on a champ, or will start a new champ based on rocco.
Back to devs, 1-2 new dev is ok in my opinion, but we have to congratulate to Victor, Eric and Scawen for what they done. The physic of the LFS is one of the bests atm, while The NFS's physic is the work of a lot of programmers, and look how it is....